Queens Office
Brooklyn Office

Conversation With Doctor Mikhail Korogluyev

I had MD already, that's why I chose to study on US what was interesting for me and what I didn't know yet. I'm happy with my choice, for thus my abilities, both as a doctor & and a human being, multiplied. Officially, I have MD and DO, for pass both sets of exams here.... When I combined my osteopathic skills with injection skills, as well as invasive therapy, I became somewhat of a surgeon, as well as a specialist in pain management, dermatologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, specialist in treatment of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, etc...

It took time. I was referring patients to a pulmonologists, or dermatologist, for instance. Some tests were performed and my patients came back to me without bring aware of either the results of the tests, or even which tests were performed. They were told to follow their doctor's recommendations. It happened once and again and I came to the conclusion that I had to do everything myself...

Nowadays the procedure in my office is as follows:

1. During his first visit the patient's blood and urine samples are taken, we thus check all sorts of disease’s possibilities, not only leukocytes and erythrocytes count, but , but CBS as well, but thyroid and pancreas state too, testosterone amount, hormones and everything else. In other words we perform an expansive general analysis. Then, on the basis of these tests we can see what is ok, what is deficient and what needs to be repaired.

2. Then, the patient undergoes my manual examination, when I find out , what is wrong & put the joint, or vertebra back in place

3. If this procedure doesn't lessen the pain, say, in the patient's knee, or back, then its pills, ointintments turn.

4. In case, they do no help either, we resort to injections and physical therapy.

5. If this doesn't work either, we perform MRI and can see, for instance that the joint is destroyed (we can perform ...in my office). In case, MRI demonstrates, that the joint cannot be treated, it has to be substituted - be it the knee, or the thigh.

6. It means, we treat the patient up to the brink, so to say, and when it's reached, we refer him/her to the surgeon to substitute the destroyed joint

This is practically the way we treat other diseases in my office...

As far as gynecology is concerned, I do not perform anything specific. Pap Smears and general examination, and that's it. I can see if there's a tumor, or erosion. In that case I refer my patients to a specialist...

I treat the whole human being and not diseases. I never treat just a knee; instead I'm trying to tune the patient all over. How can we find out, why your eye doesn’t see, or why you have an ear ache? One has to look for the reason...

One can cure bronchitis, tonsillitis, or an aching tooth. Such diseases, as high blood pressure, or diabetes at 65-70 can be controlled...

Osteopathic manual therapy is physically very hard for one's arms, shoulders, elbows, as well as for one's head. It takes too much time and energy... But it's very efficient, as well. Up to the moment I did not put that particular vertebra back in place, any pill or injections can’t cure the patient's neck ache. The moment the patient stops taking the pills, the pain comes back. I can put it back in place, and 20 years torture ceases to exist...